Opening Hours: Weekdays 9.30-06.30



The use of electronic morcellators in gynecological laparoscopy has been established for a long time.


The use of electronic morcellators in gynecological laparoscopy has been established for a long time. New trends in the treatment concept for intramural myomas and most importantly the introduction of laparoscopic, supracervical hysterectomy require advanced development of new systems geared toward further simplifying the application of morcellators and making them safer to use.

Development of the MorcePower Plus Morcellation System has enabled Richard Wolf to create the ideal conditions for morcellating large volumes of tissue more easily, more quickly, and more safely in line with global trends.

Handling and incredible efficiency. The optimized concept features an intelligent system structure to provide an exceptionally user-friendly instrument that is a big help in routine hospital practice

MorcePower Plus stands for excellence A powerful drive combined with the compact, lightweight design for efficient operations. The microprocessor controller is accommodated in a small housing that can be integrated into existing supply units and operated via a footswitch.

Special hand instruments are not necessary. The standard 10 mm claw grasping forceps or tenaculum forceps can be used. MorcePower Plus can be selected in the versions 12, 15 and 20 mm to suit specific requirements.