Opening Hours: Weekdays 9.30-06.30



Amplatz Type Renal Sheaths are firm renal sheaths designed to allow smooth


AMPLATZ RENAL SHEATH :- Amplatz Type Renal Sheaths are firm renal sheaths designed to allow smooth passage of surgical instruments into the nephrostomy tract.

UPN Description Size
 M0062601460 Amplatz Type Renal Sheath 16F ID x 17cm
M0062601470 Amplatz Type Renal Sheath 18F ID x 17cm
M0062601490 Amplatz Type Renal Sheath 22F ID x 17cm
M0062601510 Amplatz Type Renal Sheath 24F ID x 17cm
M0062601520 Amplatz Type Renal Sheath 26F ID x 17cm
M0062601540 Amplatz Type Renal Sheath 26F ID x 17cm